
About Us

What is a Curriculum Vitae (CV)? A curriculum vitae (a.k.a. resume) is a written description of your work experience, educational background, and skills. A certified curriculum vitae (certified CV) is more detailed than a resume and is commonly used by those looking for work. A certified  CV is also used by someone applying for entrance to an academic institution or looking for an academic job in a college or university.

Our Mission

At Certified CV, our mission and values are to provide people and businesses throughout the job and academic application process with reliable, relevant, and real-time accessible information.  

What we do

We certify resume information as well as verify the origin of data.

Resume certification entails the validation of employment history, official job titles, academic background as well as professional certification. Once certified this information is accessible real-time, worldwide, and whenever needed.

Data origin verification involves  the authentication of job and academic references, transcripts, and official job descriptions. These documents are then digitally stored for the applicant in a lifetime database and are accessible whenever needed.

Information and data sources certified by Certified CV are permanent in nature and accessible (following candidate permission) during a lifetime by various entities. By certifying information and data sources that do not change over time, Certified CV is able to expedite the hiring/application process for client entities (e.g. Employers, Universities) as well as certification candidates.

In addition, Certified CV provides certified information, references and official job descriptions in real-time, accessible worldwide at the beginning of the application process.  This enables entities to better evaluate applicants with reliable information when most needed.

Resume Integrity Guaranteed


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